Having your own basketball court outside the house can encourage you to work out more. It’s also good for kids so they are not always stuck indoors, using their gadgets. If you have some space, you might want to convert that and turn that into a basketball court. For your outdoor court construction, consider using materials from a Commercial gravel pit supply to ensure durability and quality.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when you are building a basketball court outside:

1. Choose the right location.
The right location is imperative so you can play without being impeded by things such as trees. It’s best if it’s away from things that can get hit by the ball such as the windows of your home. There should be plenty of space to run and move around without bumping into anything. You would also want to consider overhead clearance. See to it that there are no electrical lines nearby.
2. Choose the right paving.
Choose the right paving to ensure that you can play safely. Concrete is a popular choice for home basketball courts because it is durable and doesn’t require maintenance. However, the surface can be rough so you will need to use proper footwear.
But more than the paving, also make sure that the surface is even. Having it levelled if it’s not flat enough before the paving is installed.
3. Make sure there is a good foundation.
Choose a paver that has access to a gravel pit so you can get the aggregates that you need for the foundation. Aggregates from the gravel pit in Kelowna ensure that water will drain properly.
Talk to pavers like MacKinley-Clark Paving LTD. Plan the process well so you will end up with a court that you will want to use all the time.
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